Newsletter: Alignment February 09

As each day unfolds and our economy continues to shift, how does one stay present when there is reason to panic?

There is the law of attraction answer which is to keep thinking positive but that can be difficult when the reality of the situation is felt. This really is the time to take full responsibility over your life physically, (money), emotionally (your thoughts and feelings) and spiritually (your purpose). You can back off and dive into a space of panic or you can align yourself completely and become a powerful co-creator.

You physical relationship with money is important. Do you know how much you owe?What you need every month to pay the bills? What your net worth is? When you ignore this important aspect of your financial well being you're telling the universe that you don't care or can't handle it. The universe complies by mirroring the same. Just like you foster the relationship with the people you love, you have to foster it with money. You need to interact with it often, check up on it to see how it's doing, renegotiate things if they need to be changed, get rid of things that don't work.

Emotionally, have you cleared out the clutter in your belief system about money?The universe reacts to vibrations and your emotions are the strongest vibrations. I suggest that you sit down and dig to see what you really feel about money. The quickest way to find out is by your results. Believe it or not, even in "this economy" there are many who are abundant. What is the difference between them and you? What thoughts, feelings, beliefs are holding you back?

Spiritually this is the time to align with your purpose and passion. Why are you really here? Focusing on that will get rid of clutter and the panic that can easily come in the way of your happiness. You have a reason to get up every day and focus. That focus and dedication will clear the path for you continuing growth. Purpose also brings clarity. The universe loves clarity. The clearer you are the quicker the universe can give you what you need.

There is no better time to align yourself. This is an opportunity to step into your power. Have an awesome week.

Best wishes,
