
I specialize in healing the Somatic core wound but my sessions are not limited to that. I've done thousands of sessions on different issues and am happy to facilitate change in the area you need to focus on. I access the Akashic Records (the library of all vibrations from the time of creation) to pinpoint exactly where the issue began. We go through a process of identifying, healing and moving into a space of being. I DO NOT do readings.

Time is Boston, MA right now EST

Personal Intensive

Single Session (zoom) 55 minutes

Sessions are 55 minutes long we look at the issue that is right at the forefront of your life. What you need cleared, healed, transformed, shifted. You will get the benefit of the higher vibration as described in the program above in each individual session. These sessions are from the stillpoint, god field consciousness field. This is the state I experienced during my near death experience and after. This is the energy of all creation.

25 Minute Phone Session

We will work together on what you'd like healed, resolved, shifted, transformed, transmutted at this very moment in life. We will look at your past lives, emotions, experiences, patterns, imprints, lineage to shed what no longer serves you.

Payment and Scheduling

Single session expire 6 months from date of purchase. Packages 1 year from date of purchase. Schedule Appointment