Enochian Magic- Teleclass
In this 4 week tele-class, learn the powerful basics of Enochian Magic. Enochian magic is based upon the 16th century writings of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley. Queen Elizabeth considered John Dee her confidant and adviser and he was often seen in her court. John and Edward worked together as a team channeling angels who gave them a precise way to move through the angelic realm increasing vibration and connection. This simple, yet powerful class makes it easy to work with this energy. Every week you will be guided in processes that allow you to build your strengths and connection to all that is.
This class is being led by Dr. John DeSalvo and Mona Wind. Dr. John has written 8 books on magic, the paranormal and ancient mysteries. Mona Wind has worked with thousands of people healing and reading their soul journey through the Akashic Records.
Pre-requisites: Please buy and read the book The Lost Art of Enochian Magic
What you will be learning:
Cost: $179 (Paypal has a 6 month payment plan called Bill Me Later for US residents.) You can sign up for it when you pay for the class.
Dates:4 Mondays starting May 19th, 2014.
Time: 8- 9 pm EDT (Boston time zone) www.timeanddate.com for time conversions.
Location: Over the phone teleclass/skype in if you'd like as well.