FREE Energy Clearing
This is one of my many gifts to my newsletter subscribers. The energy will help you release any stuck thoughts, feelings and experiences in your system. You may experience exhaustion, emotional swings or a sense of peace. Anything that feels out of the usual is part of the expansion and releasing from your energy system. Take good care of yourself and be gentle during this time.By participating in these sessions you take full responsibility for your physical, mental and emotional well being. They are in no way a substitute for medical attention. If you feel uncomfortable at anytime, my suggestion is to follow your own guidance to continue or stop.
Not Good Enough
Chakra Clearing-Morning and Evening
What is consciousness?
Evolution of consciousness.
How we become separate.
Journey home.
To follow the EFT sessions, please look at the video and the tapping points before you begin.
Please watch this video before you start tapping so you can follow the directions:
Clearing Toxic People
Dark Night Of The Soul
New Year Stuckness In Creating Goals
Surrender EFT Clearing
Increasing Vibration
Christmas Gift 2017!
Download it here.
Forgiveness Explanation and Exercise
Soul Retrieval - Especially if you're around energy vampires who suck your soul.
Channeled Question/Answered Session with Mona's Guides.
The recording has a background noise so bear with me.
Part 1
Part 2
Clearing Anger
You Are Wrong (Listening)
Judgement of Me
Clearing Exhaustion
Miraculous Money
Miraculous Money CLEARING from 1st class:
Love-Stuck emotions
Holiday Stress
Limitless Being:
Miraculous Me:
Healing The Brain:
New Year meditation - Listen below.
Download it here.
Manifesting Call - Listen below.
Download it here.
Affirmations - listen below.
Download it here.
I just finished listening - so very powerful - I cried, I laughed, I got very warm - my cheeks are flushed and I feel so light and clear and beautiful. Thank you for seeing me. Thank you for your wisdom. Thank you for being the wonderful being that you are: brilliant, kind, masterful ,cussing, joyful being that you are! Much love and gratitude and blessings to you now and always. Jan Canada
Dear Mona...I thank you for who you "be" and for today...such empowering and powerful medicine. Today is my 70th birthday so I planned to begin it working with your medicine...feels like it just put me over the edge into my rebirth and next decade. I thank you so very much for who you "Be" and the journeys you have walked to get to where you "Be". Am returning the love back to you that you gave to us today 100 fold. You are blessed and a Blessing to so many- Akiba
Really enjoyed the New Year's Alignment Call on the 5th. And have been wanting to let you know that then but have been slammin' busy with product / work. Your work on the call was A-mazing! Dianna
10 Activation calls $49
- May Activation
- Divine Master Template Activation
- June Light Body Activation
- Karmic Clearing
- Love & Light Template Activation
- September Activation
- October Activation
- November Activation
- November 26th Activation
- 12/12/12 12 Strand DNA Activation
Instant download with payment. Please download within 24 hours or the link
will expire.
Hi Mona, That was amazingly powerful. Loved it. I want to pass on to you that at the moment you began sending energy into the third eye it began to pour rain here in Orlando, Fl. It was really cool. Thank you so much for doing this for us and the planet. -Much Love, Carla
My Dearest Mona, Thank you so much for DNA tune-up. I am sleeping without Ambien for the first time after years of insomnia, and no longer crave alcohol to relax. I never tire of saying "Thank you for being in my life!" I hope you and Alan have a wonderful Holiday season. Love, Martha
Thank you Mona for last nights alignment gift! I felt for the first time, who and what I really am, for a brief moment, I felt what I believe was my eternal highest SELF. It was a feeling of recognition, of knowing who I am, and also a feeling of Peace as I have never felt before. Thank you for the work you do! Blessings to you and your family! Kathie S.
Thank You for the beautiful alignment call yesterday! My body, mind, heart, and soul was nourished in way deeply natural (and powerful) way that I've never experienced before. Thank you for bringing attention and awareness on the importance of receiving. I am more attuned, aware, and expanded from this point forward.. You said many things last night that offered much wisdom. Thank you SO much, Mona!-Marlo
It is an amazing clearing session. I truly appreciate you sharing this with us. Love & Light, Lissa
Thanks you for the gift of the karma clearing. It was amazing! -Martha, MA
"This is amazing, very strong energies...I felt I cleaned many karma in my heart. Thank you, Mine, Turkey
Mona, I want to tell you how much I enjoyed listening to you on the web.It was amazing!!! I felt A lot of energy the tingling and warmth all the way down my arms from my shoulders to my wrists. The warmth was really hot it felt like fire. Probably was the fire you were talking about when you put all the negativity into the fire. Thank you very much. I really enjoyed it. Helen Howard
It was fantastic and just what I needed today. It was surprisingly easy for me to get into the visualization, something I'm not very adept at doing. I was so relieved to dump stuff into the fire and to expand for out into the universe and be one with everyone and everything. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mary Jo
I have to tell you that the alignment tonight has shifted my energy into a place of ease, I am experiencing relief that I have not felt for weeks and weeks. I am so grateful for being present for this remarkable work that you do. Christine
Wonderful! You are an EXCELLENT facilitator....please accept my sincere gratitude and appreciation.Feeling the light. PS I wear hearing aids. You are the FIRST person I have been able to understand....I missed not one word. Great job of enunciation and pitch! Deeply grateful, as most of the time I am unable to participate in this type of venue. I am sooooo glad I gave it a try. - Susan B.
Wanted to say how AWESOME the alignment call and YOU are! Thanks so much for sharing your gift of healing and clearing in the world. You were right on, as usual. Wendy
So much gratitude and love...this is my first alignment call and loved it; powerful, simple, joyful, cleansing, empowering....You offer so much, is like a spring of fresh clear-sweet water after a long hot journey. This is what it feels to me. Again, much gratitude and purest light. - Armina
I want to thank you with the humblest of gratitude for the incredible alignment you offered last night. This alignment has opened my eyes, my spirit, and my soul. You are an incredible person! You also payed a visit to my home in Salem Mass several years back and cleared negative energy that was in me and around me. This has helped me to become the light worker I am today. Your light and love are an incredible reminder to all of us of the power of unconditional love. Love and peace always Annie Lombardo